Poem Composition


you may think I’m just

a puny freshman-girl

with brown hair

and hazel eyes

but I know I am more than that

I’m no fish nor fig

nor peacock nor pig

a Firework,

a Loud Outburst of Color

but when I am ready to Flash

I am a Bomb waiting to Explode,

Chaos trying to unravel,

and Pyrotechnics Popping to amaze

but when I perk up

my Fuse Ignites,

a Dance of Color emerges

I Shoot between the Stars

people watch in Awe

and gaze up at my Insanity

I Illuminate the Sky with Beauty

Spreading Spectacular Blasts

I will never stop the Glow

until the Celebration passes,

the Explosion stops,

the Fuse Burns out,

and the Sky darkens at my Flashing ends

then I start over

start over my Burst

start over my Explosion

start over my Insanity

start over my Illumination

the puny freshman-girl

with brown hair

and green eyes

is a Firework

a Loud Outburst of Color

that Dances through the Sky

One thought on “Poem Composition

  1. Add some color, design, clipart to your poem so it is visually creative and appealing. Remember you are trying to feature your very best work and creativity, work ethic, and genius. K? Mrs. W

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